Appreciate the hard stance and encouraging people to find alternative sources!
Protect your privacy in the digital world
Welcome! This is a community for all those who are interested in protecting their privacy.
~PS: Don't be a smartass and try to game the system, we'll know if you're breaking the rules when we see it!~
- Be nice, civil and no bigotry/prejudice.
- No tankies/alt-right fascists. The former can be tolerated but the latter are banned.
- Stay on topic.
- Don't promote proprietary software.
- No crypto, blockchain, etc.
- No Xitter links. (only allowed when can't fact check any other way, use xcancel)
- If you post news exclusive to a country please name it. ~(This isn't a bannable rule, just a recommendation!)~
- If in doubt, read rule 1
Related communities:
We do have to be strict about this, as this rule comes from the instance and we must comply with that.
Still, avoiding traditional social media in general is a thing I support, so for me this rule is great. And I believe it also aligns with the view of a community who cares about privacy, as X/Twitter does like users data a lot.
A privacy report on X/Twitter here
Hooray for boycotting fascist platforms
Great stuff.
The more places that ice out that chucklefuck service the better.
Why xcancel specifically? It's not the only remaining nitter instance.
There's also but i'm not sure why shaytan made it xcancel specifically. @[email protected] what ar your thoughts on adding this instance too?
Not a personal preference
In the new instance rule, the only exception allowed has been xcancel
It's outside of our control
I see. Well it doesn't matter so long as it works.