this post was submitted on 24 Sep 2023
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founded 2 years ago

keikou8.4+ color scheme

Based on HCT color system


* が付いているものは基本6色、ターミナルで使用 Hex+10 , Hex-10 はそれぞれToneを10上下させたもの

Color Hue Chroma Tone Hex Hex+10 Hex-10 bs-name base16 base24
Red * 15 40 55 #c16b71 #df848a #a25259 $red base08 base12
Orange 45 40 60 #ce7c52 #ed9669 #af633b $orange
Yellow * 75 40 70 #d9a14c #f8bc64 #bc8734 $yellow base09 base13
Lemon 105 40 75 #c6bb5b #e2d774 #aaa043 base0A
Lime 120 40 65 #97a551 #b1c068 #7d8a39
Green * 135 40 60 #769c56 #8fb76e #5d813e $green base0B base14
Emerald 165 40 65 #5cad87 #77c9a1 #40926e
Cyan * 195 40 70 #55bbb8 #72d6d4 #349f9d $teal base0C base15
Sky 225 40 60 #429bba #60b6d5 #1d819f $cyan
Blue * 255 40 55 #5787be #72a1d9 #3c6da2 $blue base0D base16
Violet 285 40 50 #6f71b4 #898ad0 #565899 $indigo
Purple * 315 40 55 #9c74b6 #b78ed1 #815b9a $purple base0E base17
Pink 345 40 60 #c37aa6 #e093c2 #a6618c $pink base0F

Base tints

Scheme Lemmy Hue Chroma
keikou cold 255 12
shidare pink 345 12
kokuban mint 195 12
fruits 75 12

Terminal BG/FG


Color Tone
Black 20
Bright Black 30
White 85
Bright White 95

Bootstrap grays


Gray Tone
0 95
100 90
200 85
300 80
400 75
500 70
600 60
700 50
800 40
900 30
1000 20

base16/24 grays


name Tone
base00 20
base01 25
base02 30
base03 50
base04 70
base05 80
base06 90
base07 95
base10 15
base11 10


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