Yes, parrots do that thing where they are hostile to entire groups of humans.
My grandmother used to have one that attacked children.
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Yes, parrots do that thing where they are hostile to entire groups of humans.
My grandmother used to have one that attacked children.
parrots are just the ultimate embodiment of pure chaos
Also arbitrary love for entire groups of humans. I have a friend with a parrot that thinks any man with a beard exists only to be her object of affection.
i’ve known of dogs who hate men and are totally cool with trans women. sometimes even really eggy ones or folks who might not even know themselves yet. it’s wild how well animals can catch a vibe.
I'm a cis man that is often befriended by dogs that usually don't like men. I wonder if that parrot would bite me.
That parrot would bite you. Cuz you're a snack.
Finally an objective answer to what a woman is.
it's like how the meter used to be defined by a specific object kept in a vault, human gender is defined by this specific parrot
I once knew a parrot who would maul the shit out of anyone who wasn't a woman with long blonde hair.
That's me 💀
but why did you bite all those people? D:
We need more research!!
For some reason I love this parrot. Such a little asshole. So cute 😍
Parrot knows what's up
This gave me a nice smile thanks!