Nice one. I think you put the link in the field that says Body? Edit the post and put the YouTube link as the URL please. Then it'll show in the thumbnail and people can click on it. Right now this shows as a text post.
this post was submitted on 24 Jan 2025
7 points (100.0% liked)
YouTube Classics
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For the best videos in the history of YouTube. All server rules apply here. This is an archival community so moderation will be strict to keep the quality of posts at a consistently high level.
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- No reposts unless it's been over 12 months and the original post wasn't highly upvoted.
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- Videos must be from before 2018. If they have been deleted and reuploaded, please make a note of that.
- Videos need not be originally from YouTube. If they were uploaded to some other platform (atomfilms, ebaumsworld, newgrounds) but fit the definition of an internet classic, that's fine. But you must post a link to a YouTube reupload, not to another website.
founded 2 weeks ago
Thanks! Didn’t realize I goofed