Here's the actual write-up. TLDR: The issue is not with the Starlink app itself, but the Starlink Admin system that was vulnerable due to poor coding practices. The pentester was able to take over a Subaru Starlink admin's account and apparently Starlink retains a TON of information about your vehicle and driving history that is easily viewable by any "admin". The tester was also able to add himself to the vehicle's authorized users and could trigger the remote features (i.e. lock/unlock, remote start) from the admin panel. Subaru was notified of this and they claim to have patched it. I'm not sure if opting out of the data collection and sharing would've helped keeping all that information from being retained there.
this post was submitted on 23 Jan 2025
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apparently Starlink retains a TON of information about your vehicle and driving history that is easily viewable by any "admin"
I don't want my car to be connected to the fucking internet