By the way, this is probably faked because:
- The "HIII" message is different
- There would not be a "[User] is typing" feature in these systems
- SKW4238's name changes to SKY4238
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By the way, this is probably faked because:
Of course they're a fucking avian/aeromorph, lol.
For the non-furs, OVO is like OWO but with beak/nose-cone/triangular snout instead of a w-shape.
Also egg in Latin
huh didnt know that furry lore, I just use '>v<' cuz it look cute :3
Fake. If a pilot wants to do furry RP they can just ask ATC, they have channels specifically for that
Oh that's what all that meowing on the US guard frequency is about.
Number stations are different these days
Thanks for the HD version, very cool pics :D