in chapter 1 he says 10 men should do… idk man ……
One Piece
Discussion of all Grand Line stuff, fanart and theories regarding Eiichiro Oda's anime One Piece.
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The video literally starts with that line, and is a key part of my theory. Love all the people who criticise and try to find holes before even watching the video.
sry can not access youtube, I have bad internet
All good. Sorry, just had countless people say stuff, including exactly what you said, even though I explain it in the video. If you look in the comments you will see many people literally saying its the greatest OP theory of all time. I have a lot to back this up.
no worries, I will watch it later.
Interesting Video! You start fairly simple: Pointing out how first normal looking humans join the crew, the further the story progresses the more monstrous the crew becomes. Like: Human then Reindeer then Cyborg (Franky) … Fishmen …
Later you start with the planetary system and how characters represent stellar bodies. (Here you could mention space travel is possible in OP with Enel & his connection to the moon haha)
Luffy - Sun, Shirahoshi - Neptune, Ju Peter - Jupiter, …
I like your systemic approach.
God Valley being a mirror of Yaya vanishing into the sky seems so obvious, but it never came to my mind.
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!
if you believe One Piece might be related to changing the planet constellation, there are tons of "arcane & ancient" information about it
Appreciated, my next OP video is all about the cosmic aspect of the One Piece so I'll definitely look into this.