@[email protected] it’s a lot like React if you’ve used it before, but the result will feel a lot like a mobile app.
Microsoft Windows
@[email protected] It can do a lot, but I had a hard time wrapping my head with a lot of concept like declarative UI and how to simple tasks like create a file input form and so on.
I did had a lot of fun creating a shitload of stupid widget it really awesome of you can built complex interface from little bits.
@[email protected] Okay. So, can you recommend another way/tool chain to develop cross platform desktop apps? For me it is essential that every platform will get its native look & feel.
@[email protected] Well if you want native look and feel #Flutter isn't the most straight forward solutions for that. You can achieve it but it's a lot of work. Native look and feel is kinda a huge trap because Windows and MacOS are easy where Linux based distro have a loadton of desktop environnement . Could you specify must have component / ui element for your project ? That could ease the answer .
@[email protected] No special project or reason. It's just my intention.
@[email protected] Ok then before proposing others toolchans that may be compliant with what you want. Try #flutter, it may fullfil your need .
@[email protected] if it’s very easy stuff you might try purebasic it creates native apps and look and feel. But it’s BASIC and it’s not free… and it’s basic 😅