I'd be interested in reading this bill as descendants of slaves is a wide net. Jewish people were slaves to the Egyptians, Slavs were enslaved by Romans and Spanish Muslims, Irish enslaved by the English. I'm sure just about all Americans have a slave descendent.
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Last time they worded reparations to exclude white appearing people of black ancestry, which is just outright racism IMO. It's either to make amends for the systemic oppression of your ancestors, which resulted in you personally having a harder time in life, or its not. California made it clear with that distinction that it's not.
A California lawmaker said he will introduce a bill
Non-story so far.
I thought California was a free state.
You know, this isn't a bad form of reparations. Public universities are owned by the state so it's not like you're forcing private citizens to give anyone anything.
Money taken via taxes is how universities are funded, funneling the money through a university doesn't change what it is.
And? College admission is not a good one can sell once they receive it. This isn't comparable to just giving ADOS people money.
A benefit of receiving a state subsidized education certainly has monetary value. If all the people who get in because of that law have to pay out of state tutition costs then your point has validity.