Kamille getting treated like shit is funny af. Don't know if that was the intended result
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I think Mercedes is aborting their partnership
Oh it 100% is lmao. Ignore the single digit IQ social media post, ignore the political context, ignore all that shit for a minute.
What she did fucked with booking. Whether TK has the same views as her or the opposite, her abortion post drew a ton of negativity and fucked with a lot of peoples views of her. Some of that heel heat became go-away heat 5 mins after she made that post. The one thing you do not do in pro wrestling is fuck with the plans.
TK has 3 options: No changes and look bad by proxy, leave her home Starks style and have her run her mouth a lot most likely and make things worse, or "Be lucky I'm not firing your ass and sending you back to Billy Pumpkin now go out there, shut up, take the bumps and look pathetic."
Keeps money in her pocket so she doesn't go on a podcast and bitch, less controversy for TK's side of it, we smarks get placated (cause she is being punished by being turned into a fool cause thats hard to return from a lot of time in ones career) and TK gets time to see if she becomes worth the hassle over the next 2-2.5 years remaining on her contract. Win-win as long as she keeps her mouth shut going forward.
Jesus CHRIST Adam pick a different fucking shade of spray tan and do your fucking hands next time you yellow bastard.
Ishii briskly walking towards you does seem pretty terrifying
My girlfriend said it felt very silent hillish and I can't disagree
I would definitely not want Ishii walking in my direction.
You might be cool, but are you get a shoulder massage from Moxley while he cuts a promo cool?
Poor Yuta still doesn't realize he's a hostage/victim
Marina gonna devour this boy if he loses.
...and by that I mean tear him into pieces, BBQ him and suck the marrow from his bones.
I absolutely LOVE Marina as the hard-ass enforcer of the Death Riders. She's scary as all hell in the best way.
Sheβs scary as all hell in the best way.
She has the dommy-mommy vibe down to a T.
appreciate how the don callis family titantron is just a big picture of don callis's head
Anything else would feel wrong.
Why is Adam Cole so yellow?
Apparently he needed Britt to colour match for him.
Where the savages wrestle
It's Cheeseburger!!
I pretty much laughed the whole match.
Same, it was great!
Darby's all tucked in!
I noticed no one was telling Darby not to go out there by himself
They are probably trying not to kink shame him
You don't want to do that!
Mina is going to turn on Mariah isn't she?
Mina turns on a lot of people.
Oh, wait, not what you meant...
Can we get a 24/7 Mina cam?
More personally can I also get some water to keep my hydration up? The 2 are completely unrelated
Shida has no mercy lol
I get OC has some guilt about Chuck Taylor getting wrecked because of him but he should really rethink having backup
Unless he's bringing a bomb with him it's a bad idea
I'm slightly intrigued by the KOR addition but I feel like this is just gonna be a some weird Undisputed reunion/fallout
Lol even with numbers, Swerve is actually a lunatic
Renee better move faster lol
Takeshitas Blue Thunder Bombs are sexy af
And he can turn anything into a Blue Thunder Bomb
That chokeslam on Hobbs :O
I can't believe they sent my boy Hobbs to the back
Don Callis seems to have a thing for big meaty men
It's one hell of a line up.
I will also repeat last weeks sentiments: Cage looking good with the beard.
Me too
I'm looking forward to all the "LEAVES IS PLANTS" signs that will be in the crowd tonight.
I don't know the reference, but I like it!