Now do one with ‘I use Linux’
While some content on this page may be offensive, it is intended as satire.
ImGoingToHellForThis is not a hate community. Any content violations should be reported, reviewed and removed.
Do not make posts that includes but is not limited to: Illegal content, rape jokes, pedo jokes or pictures of minors in sexual situations, use of racial slurs or hate speech. Excessive violence, gore, or death, and animal abuse.
Reddit tier post (derogatory)
dont know if disregarding reddit is appropriate while using a site where there 5 new posts total per day, 2 post about linux, 1 calling for the revolution, and the rest is nsfw
These people are trying to make the world a better place, hahahahaha, fucking dorks!
There's way more of this shit and 'for every single animal you don't eat I'll eat three!' than there are vegans bringing up their choices unprompted.
make the world a better place.... some vegan are so up on their high horse it should qualify as animal abuse
found the Reddit user