Dont worry skroo!
Political Humor
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RFK won't be happy until polio returns. He'll probably wave the remaining samples of smallpox around to show it was fake too.
I no longer believe we are in Idiocracy.
We are, actually, in Mom & Dad Save the World. We're the Spengoians.
"Pick me up? Huh, ok... Ahhhhhhhhhh!"
Statistically for some of us it's always been Idiocracy...
It's only takes two standard deviations above 100, before the difference between you and the average person, is the same as average person and someone with an intellectual disability.
If you're really unlucky you're 3 standard deviations above and then like 80%+ of the population would be classified as having an intellectual disability if your IQ was the frame of reference instead of 100.
And our own IQ is literally our own frame of reference...
So yeah. At any given point in human history, roughly 2%, definitely 0.1% have been living in fucking Idiocracy, and nothing will ever make it better for them.
Ignorance is bliss, because you never deal with someone that far below yourself, and you don't notice the other person being that much higher.
But 30 points is the line, because that's where differences become apparent and one sided frustration common.