"Popular" with the .001%.
"Since our story, the company has added its planes to a popular Federal Aviation Administration program that makes it harder to see where they’re going."
Topics around green technology and practices that actually work, not the green-washing stuff, and getting off the addition to fossil fuels before we wreck this little ball of dirt we call Earth.
Be civil, kind, and respectful. If we need more rules we will make them, but it boils down to those three.
"Popular" with the .001%.
"Since our story, the company has added its planes to a popular Federal Aviation Administration program that makes it harder to see where they’re going."
@[email protected]
Hmm. I have two ADS-B trackers in PDX that feed Flightradar24.com. Maybe I should take a look at the raw feed sometime. That said, there are uses for this list. My nephew flies air ambulances and they mask their flights for patent privacy.
@[email protected]
Why is our government offering such a service. That sounds like one that we could cut.
Huh. I haven't worn Nike shoes in ages. They were poorly made and never lasted more than a year. I don't mane athletic us, just everyday wear.
Basically, foot junk.
Secret donations to political candidates.
Secret layoffs.
Who knew funding the Jan 6 coup was bad for business?
Secret air travel.
Do GOP corporations & billionaires have something to hide...
@[email protected] the rich avoiding accountability. There are many laws in England that the royal family are not subject to. There are many laws in Australia in which federal politicians are not subject to. I’m sure this is also the case in the US my favourite being the President is officially above the law.