I.... I could print one of these and make it as my next keyboard project
If I type an email with this, does it send it to Cthulhu? Will it only write deranged prophecies? Will my hands ever return to our dimension
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I.... I could print one of these and make it as my next keyboard project
If I type an email with this, does it send it to Cthulhu? Will it only write deranged prophecies? Will my hands ever return to our dimension
You will never know until you try. :)
double sided möbius strip
Maybe its a joke like that one row keyboard they made some time ago.
That looks like it would be the most absolutely obnoxious thing to try and type on. Seriously, give me a Comcast remote and A through Z keyboard layout before I use that derpy thing.
I... yeah no crap it didn't sell well