Michigander here. We just call it a casserole. In this case, tater tot casserole.
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Minnesotan here. Casserole is the dish, hotdish is the food you cook in the casserole.
I thought casserole was the food and hotdish was the hot dish that the food was cooked in.
Hotdish is the casserole dish when it comes out of the oven.
This is correct. Hotdish ftw.
This I've never heard it called a hot dish.
Pretty sure everywhere except Minnesota calls it a casserole.
Casserole includes noodles I thought? That's the difference between hot dish and casserole.
It's just some kind of starch. It often is noodles, but potatoes or rice are also common.
Strangely enough, we had hot dish growing up in northern Ohio. Then we moved to Wisconsin (on the border with MN) and we didn't have to go to reeducation camp.
So it's kinda like a hotwife.
And yes, I would stick my dick in that dish.
Well that's enough internet for today
Apparently, it isn't okay to joke about fucking casseroles lol
It's ok, it's not that funny, though.