The USA has a population nearing 400 million, you wouldn't think a few hundred thousand migrants a year would be an issue.
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You're off by a couple orders of magnitude, the number of illegal entries into the U.S. is near 8 million a year.
How can you even post something so patently false. Like how does a ludicrous number like 8 million a year not raise flags with you?
The figures used by Haley, DeSantis and Cotton — 8 million or 10 million — are totals of all migrant encounters at the border plus gotaways, and, in Cotton’s case, encounters at the northern border, coastal borders and airports.
Ah, so made up bullshit. Got it.
If it doesn't fit your narrative it's made up bullshit.
Migrant encounters vs. Illegal immigrants. Please explain the difference.
Per tfa
Title 8 repatriation 5.7% Title 42 expulsion 37.6% Migrant protection protocol 0.2% Transfer to ice 11.8% Transfer to HHS 5.6% USBP releases 30.7% OFO paroles 8.2% Other 0.3%
Interesting, not a single line for "illegal immigration".
How to let people know you know nothing about illegal immigration.
Post a list of items that aren't talking about illegal immigration?
So an empty list then?
Or migrant protection protocol & other if you want to split hairs.
That sounds high. How much of that is transient seasonal labour?