why are conservatives so firmly in defence of billion dollar corporations?
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When is the last time you heard a conservative say “trickle-down economics”?
Was it 1988? Or more recent than that?
Literally every single day conservatives push for tax breaks for big corporations and ultra-wealthy Americans calling them "job creators". Trickle down economics is the prevailing philosophy of the Republican Party.
If conservatives don't think it works, I guess I'm concerned about their continued push to concentrate wealth at the top, because the only explanation is that they want to turn the working class into a peasant class.
Why do leftist defend poor people?
What a telling reply
So being in a growing category is what makes poor people worthy of defense?
Ok, I'm interested to see where this goes.
Leftists may defend poor people because they sense a moral obligation.
Wow. I'm stunned by your comment.
To rephrase it "Why should anyone care about anyone else?"
So, no answer? It is a serious question.
They can’t answer it. Their entire philosophy is composed of sarcasm and snark.
Because poor people are people, caring about other people is empathy, and people without empathy are psychopaths.
Is that enough of an answer to you, or do you have other Dark Triad traits you'd like to self-report?