Pop Culture
News and discussions about celebrities, whether they be actors, musicians, social media influences, politicians, or anyone else of reasonable renown, as well as other cultural issues.
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Posts must directly relate to Pop Culture in some form. Memes are acceptable if they are not excessive. Moderators have discretion and will work with community members to determine when such content becomes excessive.
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So it took them roughly 9 years to start realizing what the rest of us knew from day zero.
I assume it doesn't take much to trend as its not a mainstream site. Still embarrassing as presumably it is all trump followers there.
One more sign that the emperors new clothes are disappearing.
In another thread somebody said it has like 400 posts?
It's like when one of my comments on Lemmy gets three upvotes. "MOM! GET THE CAMERA"
Yeah looking at the article it looks like it's trending with 400 "truths" which I think is what they call posts. (I have no idea I have never used the platform)
After all the cowardly things he has done, why is this only trending now?