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Heck, if they are prominent in the church or on the football team the community will attack the girl in the US. The fact that the right will use something like this to make it about immigration, when in fact you can go to Texas and find that there are many cases of Christian's raping minors and getting away with it. Trump's spiritual advisor was recently found to have molested a 12 year old girl for years and still hasn't faced any jail time.
The Europe has a Christian culture and people are aware generally what is wrong and what is right. In Afghanistan, they don't see anything wrong with pedophilia or viewing females as possessions. Afghanistan is also a tribal place, where humans are viewed differently according to their tribe. The state of mind is quite clear; people of other tribes are not worthy of respect, only of convenience. This is why mass immigration from such countries is not recommended.
You should be aware that in Sweden the far right party talks about "immigrants" "replacing you" even if they are born in sweden and even if the have only one parent from abroad. They are also a bit worried about third generation immigrants so... Yeah. Citizenship means nothing to these people.
Lol. Minority did bad thing. Up to the top of conservative you go! I wonder how much white/Christian crime is ever discussed here
Its not about the migrant, its the "no prison sentence" bit thats the actual issue here.
Its not about the migrant
Here is a selection of your post history
Migrants: Free Healthcare, Tuition, 20% on a Home
SWEDEN: Afghan Migrants Spared Prison After Being Convicted Of Gang Raping A Vulnerable 13-Year-Old Girl And Filming The Assault - The Publica
NYC’s poorest zip codes forced to bear brunt of migrant crisis, confidential docs reveal
Toni Kroos: Germany is No Longer The Country It Was 10 Years Ago Thanks to Mass Migration
GERMANY: Woman Convicted Of “Offending” Migrant Gang Rapists Receives Longer Prison Sentence Than The Rapists - The Publica
SPAIN: Gypsy Man Who Raped And Impregnated 12-Year-Old Girl Is Acquitted After Arguing That Adult-Child Sex Is Part Of His Culture - The Publica
CBS host shocked by poll showing 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants
Joe Biden expected to sign executive order to curb immigration
Biden admin scrambles after at least 6 men on terror watchlist were let into US over last 2 years: report
@ImplyingImplications @Kaboom Can you find similar articles relating to white or #Christian criminals?
Yes? The migrant is a victim of government policies. They should not be let in.
Didn't you just say it was over the prison sentence?
In this particular instance, yes. Either way, its the state thats hurting everyone.
But the truth is that it's a prison sentence for a migrant that's what it is for you