Saw a YouTube video by Mister Patina we’re he restored a 1940’s razor blade sharpener. It was fascinating and I wondered if anyone had ever seen or used a device like it or any device for sharpening double edge razors.
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Saw a YouTube video by Mister Patina we’re he restored a 1940’s razor blade sharpener. It was fascinating and I wondered if anyone had ever seen or used a device like it or any device for sharpening double edge razors.
This is a question that often comes up.
The deal is that blades were different back then. They were thicker, so a sharpener could potentially restore an edge.
Blades these days are thinner, more precise, and often ground at multiple bevels.
Single-edge GEM style blades might be helped by a good sharpener, though. They're thicker.
But in terms of DEs, it seems that this question gets asked every 4 months or so, and to my knowledge, no one has ever come back from trying it (often out of pure curiosity) and said that they are now able to use their blades a lot more, because of the sharpening.
Besides, with proper technique on the razor and with a super slick, wet lather, most guys can get up to 30 uses relatively easily. And some go further. Buy your blades in the 100 pack and that's a pretty money-friendly set up right there.
But... with all that said, if you can't resist the curiosity to try a sharpener, then do it... and report back! :-)
(great username btw!)
Thanks! Yea when you think about it I can get a full month of use out of a blade and buy 100 blade packs. I guess that’s like 8 years of blades right there.
Question on the sub/lemmy:
I try to sort threads by new, but yesterday's threads shows up before today's. And it's not because someone has posted in the older threads after the newer ones were created - I just posted my Monday SOTD :)
If I see correctly, yesterday's threads are pinned, and today's are not (yet). I don't know whether @[email protected]' bots could do that automatically.
@[email protected], Pork is right here. The issue is that when the bot creates the post, it doesn’t return a postID value, so I can’t easily just auto pin the thread. I have to do it manually each morning. When I have more time (likely next weekend or the following week) I need to figure out a way around the postID issue.
Great - as long as it's not a case of PEBKAC Im happy :P