How is this not in a Fallout game?
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Lack of grass maybe?
Pfff FO4 has tons of grass. FO76 even more so.
Weird because all the players I’ve encountered clearly haven’t touched any
There's a mod for that :p
Maybe we can get a mod for this :)
Also, if this was in the game, it would probably be a remnant from the time before, when there was grass to mow.
Someone probably would have converted it to a death robot though.
Even just as a wrecked static prop it would work.
Vehicles are possible in the FO engine, NV has a few mods with vehicles.
This may be an ancient reference... but it should be like the tractor from Forgotten Hope for BF42.
Literally slowing that walking speed, haha.
I can well imagine that these are the kinds of things conservative Americans think of when they babble about the good old days.
Let's make a green house effect lawnmower so it needs AC!
1960 in the USA was indeed very much Fallout
More like Fallout is very much 1950s in the USA
yea or that
Perfect. When climate change makes the outdoors unlivable, but you still really really need your manicured green desert in front of your house. Love it.
The lawn has been plastic for two decades, since the Earth is unlivable even for grass, but you still like going through the motions.
Maybe they could even pump in some artificial scents of freshly cut grass with the AC. Feels more immersive that way.
This is the future!
Once the atmospheric CO2 levels rise high enough, this will be sold with an included CO2 scrubber. Then you can mow your lawn without getting symptoms of CO2 poisoning. Like in the good old times in the 2020s!
Wouldn't the CO2 levels have to increase massively for that to be an issue? I feel like this is hyperbolic.
that's why we engineered the lawn mower to run on only the dirtiest fuel available, and a sufficiently inefficient engine that it consumed 50 liters to mow the average lawn!
Are you talking about two stroke petrol engines or something else?
"Honey, it's your turn in the popcorn popper."
I wonder, what is the secret of its power?
We can only hope it will take us far away from that mucky-muck, man.
Just plant a garden, smoothskin. You could have berries, flowers, and wildlife instead of a monoculture you can't digest.
The new Human Cool Cooker & Grass Cutter Duo™️
"Be cooked and irradiated in the comfort of air conditioning while you mow your lawn!"
I am allergic to grass pollen and I want this.
Full-faced N95 mask exist tho.
Problem is you still get dirty. And have to be outside.
That's what she said.
Exactly what I want to wear while it's 85 and humid out. Gimme my ac bubble.
My skin gets major rashes when pollen touches my skin.
Also sold under the name "Sunburninator 2000" and "Skin Cancer Deluxe".
Using this device with period-adequate lack of sunscreen will turn you into a Fallout character alright.
Why do you say that? If it's polycarbonate it would filter out UVa and UVb, like cheap sunglasses. The guy that mows my lawn is in direct sunlight.
Yeah, heat stroke would be the bigger danger in that, when it’s 185+ after 5 minutes in direct sun.
Yeah, it's not for wimps, eh.
Motorcycle with ac!