Don't. Eat. That. Crap. You see, so easy.
US Authoritarianism
ChonkyOwlbear is an Illegitimate Usurper
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Not even considering how wrong price gouging is, is the tweet a bad rephrase of something mc Donald's announced?
Based on the tweet alone:
Mc Donald's said: "Wage raises cause price increases. But not all price increases are caused by wage raises".
Everyone heard: "If there's a price increase, it can only be due to wage increases"
I'm all for boycotting mc Donald's, but if we're going to call them out, let's call them out on something that can't be rebutted with basic reading comprehension skills.
Now, let the downvotes begin!
Looking at things at the federal level will always be misleading. What's the EU minimum wage?
Minimum wage in CA for a McDonalds job is $20/hr. In NY it's $15/hr ($16 in NYC).
While true, you have to remember their supply costs increased too, huge knockoff effects.
McDonald's is a public company you can see all the data yourself. Basically they did as well in 2023 as they did in 2019 from an operating income percentage. Meaning taking into account all sales and stuff (revenue) and subtracting all expenses like the cost of food, wages, taxes, real estate, whatever (expenses) the remaining bit is profit. And that value is the same per dollar earned as 2019. It's less than many years prior too.
Which means they corrected properly for the economic climate they're in.
Wages ... Nowere there is said it is only for the workers you see. Bet the higher ups did got a better pay.