I've recently been motivated to work on this little project that I've been working for about a day in total. But my fears for the bad comments to be thrown over the experiment generator again and considering of some complexities to move it there have decided me to not put it up on that generator page and keeping it on this generator page.
This is an early implementation of what could I say as an improved, more "advanced" version of the original comments plugin, with these features outside of the original comments plugin that utilizes the onComment/onLoad features and a bit of the programmatic submission feature:
- A re-made set of Markdown formatting syntaxes, so you could format comments (lists, quotes and code blocks aren't supported currently, but you can highlight, glow, or change font size of any text!)
- Default nicknames set with generated arbitrary words based on tags
- Notification sounds
- URL blocking
- And many more
And I also want to mention these:
- Upcoming support for reposting, liking, replying, and saving on comments(!) using hundreds of comment containers (aka "servers") to store these
Asides, you can also select from a set of generator names as a source outside of the generator page (so the comments from there will be linked to this, and you'll be able to comment from that generator right on this page), and you can also add new generator names (of course, there'll be some blocked names like generators
to avoid some flooding and stuff like that).
I've also kept some of the Dev's notes from the onComment/onLoad example, just because I forked this little teaser from that.
Some known issues:
- The "No comments yet" placeholder does not show up when the frame gets reloaded with a new generator source/channel selection
- Since the comments formatting uses a remake version of the Markdown formatting parser I made myself (with some regexes taken from different online sources), there are still missing token on formats (e.g., lists, quotes, etc.)
- When inputting some text into the "fake" input section (the upper one), it seems like it doesn't put the text into the actual input area straight away from the upper one. And when you logged into admin, the input text doesn't (just because there's not any variable that determines whether user is logged in as admin or not yet).
I don't know what else can I say about the project, but if anyone wants to contribute into describing it much further, or maybe suggest new features, please let me know! ๐