lol... r-g-bling emitting UV light is ridiculous. why the fuck would they even like jfc I can't even fuck
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I can't even fuck
Yeah man, we hear ya
Pretty common when they cheap out on installing a proper uv filter over the LEDs. I have an RGB fan as the exhaust and it lights up the whole room at the end of the cycle. It's plastic kinda opaque blades so it should block a lot of UV.
it's ridiculous that something added to the device which in no way enhances performance may be blinding people lol.
the stupid burns, literally, apparently.
Honestly I felt the same way until I got some RGB stuff. It really is just superficial, but it's a vibe. Trying to rationalize purely aesthetic decisions would be stupid.
Trying to rationalize purely aesthetic decisions would be stupid.
yeah sure until it burns your gpu or blinds you with UV light. mmm. yeah, that'd be stupid lol
Tbh easy fix for problem: disable all rbg or buy parts without it.
Virus free gaming 😍
Baked static ray tracing
Is this black anodized aluminum? It's really hard to not just see it as light actively shining on it. A number of black anodized bike parts have turned bronze on me