It was for my Mac, an Apple Performa 550.
Marathon. Made by some relative unknown company, Bungie.
So much god damn fun
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It was for my Mac, an Apple Performa 550.
Marathon. Made by some relative unknown company, Bungie.
So much god damn fun
My first computer was an ancient Tandy that my uncle gifted to me when he upgraded. It used large cartridges for programs, and while it was mostly (very primitive) productivity software, I did have a very janky Pacman-style game.
I spent many hours playing that game. Many. It as objectively awful, but it was all I had, even gruel looks like a delicacy when you're starving.
Hocus Pocus on DOS. I was only 4 or 5 at the time, and my brother would have to set it up for me since I didn't know how to use DOS. I'd tell him I wanted to play my Lucky Charms game, because for some reason my child brain associated the main character wit the Lucky Charms leprechaun.
Treasure Mountain, when I was like 4
I still play the old TLC games now and then. They're pretty fun, just they get repetitive really fast.
Age of empires. Straight out of a Nutri-Grain box like 20 years ago. Always thought I was pretty good at it because I played when I was a kid. Turns out I used cheats a lot and the game is actually super hard for me.
The first game I bought with my own money for my PC was either "JetFighter III", "Master of Orion 2" or "Super EF-2000". The first PC game I played? It was probably "Galactic Conqueror" by Titus Games, though I'm not sure. It definitely was a game by Titus, as I remember the fox. Then it was either Microprose F-19 Stealth Fighter, Civilzation 1 or F-117 Stealth Fighter 2.0 (there's a good chance I played F-19 on an Amiga, not a PC). I should also mention Wing Commander 1 as a possibility; my friend even bought the speech pack back then.
Ah, obviously the first games I played, are the reason why I like complex games and I also have programmed primitive small games inspired by them.
Spindizzy II its musics are great
The guy living across the hall from me at Georgia Tech in about '80 had bought an Apple II with a 50hz power supply. He was an electrical engineer and rigged up a new power supply for US grid. All he had was the motherboard and a keyboard, the screen was an old TV. The memory was a regular audio cassette player. He had a game called "Orbital Mechanic" and we played with it quite a bit. It turns out that the paths of objects thrown from one orbit to another are not so intuitive - so it was a real challenge to toss a wrench from Astronaut A in orbit 1, to Astronaut B in orbit 2. That game used WASD for aiming the throw, and when I later began playing PC games, I wondered if that old game might have been the originator of the concept or if it goes even further back.
F15 Strike Eagle II
1990, I was 6 years old, and my dad brought home a pirated 3.5" floppy with this game on it and a beat up old joystick. Installed on our IBM and played for years, we would play together a lot, lots of good memories with that game!
Probably Super Munchers, but possibly Scarab of Ra or The Tinies (I couldn't find a working link for this one, but here's a Youtube video showing the gameplay).
And yes, despite Apple's famous advertising campaign, they make PCs.
The Lost Vikings in Windows 3.1
The only other games I played before were Super Mario 3 and Battle City in our Family Computer.
The game blew my little 6yr old mind that I can play 3 characters at once!
Though I thoroughly sucked, I liked watching my dad and older siblings play.
It was either Police Quest or the shareware version of Wolf3d. Other than that prolly the Jump Start games
Populous, and I still consider it one of the best games ever made.
i am prettu sure it was zork 1 but there was also kings quest 3
I don't remember my first PC game but I do remember I was hooked right away. That shit was magical.
probably SimCity 2000
I don't think I understood it at first but I did love messing around in it but overtime I did actually learn how to make a successful city Played on a TRS-80 Model 2 back around 1983 or so. I enjoyed the game immensely, and started looking for other games to try out. The main result being that this is what got me interested in programming.
I can't remember which game was my actual first, but my grandfather had gotten a PC, probably because my uncle wanted one. It ran DOS and had some games.
It had some games on it I remember:
there were more but I can't remember them all anymore.
My families first PC was a Packard Bell, first game I played was Age of Empires. Damn just trying to remember the timeline of things and what I did and when has made me remember alot of stuff.
Times were simpler back then eh.
My first PC game was Portal 2 iirc. I was ~10 at the time and it really opened my eyes to the wide world of PC gaming, and the different types of games that were on PC compared to console. It also slowly got me started and eventually transitioning from Controller to Keyboard and Mouse as my preferred input scheme.
Rats on a #Zx81 an 8 bit machine with a 'touch' sensitive keyboard. It ran a chess game in it's 1k memory. I then got a 16k memory pack that meant it could play rats. A maze game. Oh, I just remembered, it had a fast mode where it switched the screen off to save processing power while it was thinking.
Temple of Apshai for the Apple 2... Brings back memories.
oh i love how it looks!
I suspect the first game I ever played on PC was 'Ally Cat' in CGA, it was awful. The first game I bought on PC was either UMS or Carrier Command, I was a big fan of Rainbird's software back then.
Wow, a lot of peoples first games were “real” games! My first was definitely one called The Treehouse which was an educational game. If I get to talk about my first “real” game it would either have been DOOM or Commander Keen, I think DOOM though because it arguably would have been easier to grasp the core concept as a child. This was on I think Windows 3.1?
My very first one was NFS 3 on my father's PC. Remember playing it during the secondary earthquakes in 1999 here in Athens and getting scared.
Then I used to play 102 Dalmatians at a whoping ~10 fps on my aunt's PC. As a 5-6 year old, it was super helpful having the game run on slow motion...
The first one on my PC was The Sims. It was amazing having such a game as a child. Me and my sister have played the series for hundreds and hundreds of hours
so cool!
Preinstalled games from Sierra Interactive on my dad's Windows 95 first one was called Torrin's Passage. It was a click through animated explore / puzzle adventure. I've yet to meet another stranger on the internet whose played it. Also Mech Warrior 2 came installed but I wasn't allowed to play it until a few years later.
I think it was Titus the Fox on a 386 in elementary school. I loved that game, I've played the shit out of it.
1st game I actually played on a PC was some Formula One racing game on a friend's "Schneider PC" ... I laughed at him because the CGA graphics were incredibly crappy compared to my Amiga