Always very skeptical of boardgame adaptions. Never heard of Paper Fort Games either, which is another red flag.
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Time will tell. I haven't played Terraria much(/at all?) but from what I've seen it could probably go in a lot of directions.
Personally I've played a bunch of pretty great video game adaptations: Minecraft B&B is a simple but cool little game and Mechs vs Minions was a lot of fun too. Fallout was a mixed bag. The basegame was an unbalanced mess but the coop mode made that not matter anymore.
We'll have to wait and see...
I'm defaulting to "skip"; these sorts of direct adaptations tend to be mediocre at best. Minecraft Builders & Biomes was decent but the important thing was that it was a decent game with a Minecraft skin, rather than a Minecraft board game. Level99's Exceed and BattleCON are also great, primarily because the designs are about preserving important elements of player experience rather than translating any specific game into the physical space.
I got burned with the Stardew Valley board game - it's very cute, but also not a great game. And for my non-designer brain it's way easier to translate Stardew into a boardgame than Terraria. I will definitely wait out some reviews and the BGG forums...
I am also skeptical about it. Are there good examples of video game to boardgame adaptations?
Deep Rock Galactic is pretty good imo. Maybe a bit on the easy side, although I haven't tried the higher difficulties yet.