As a millennial father of 2 gen z, I understand and I'm not going to make them move out.
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Not surprising. Things are/were difficult for millenials and it has only gotten worse. I can't blame anyone for not moving out when inflation and housing prices have gotten so bad.
We have a (gen z) nephew who bought a van to live out of. We thought it was an "adventure lifestyle" type thing. Came to find out he's working two jobs and trying to save for a deposit on an apartment. Just 8 years ago we were working our asses off saving for a down payment on a house. We wouldn't be able to do that now. We'd be stuck in forever rent if we were lucky. We have friend working for a big tech firm that pays well and she pays more for her 2 bedroom apartment per month in rent than our 3 bedroom house in mortgage. We've lived in the same places the same amount of time. People are being squeezed out of existence.
I seem to remember seeing the same sorts of info about millennials. It's almost like we've been living with this problem for over a decade and haven't managed to make any significant progress on it...
live in a car and don't have kids
This must be North American thing again. They don’t do this sort of push out in Europe and Australia. Family stay with family (and pay rent), there is no strong push or opinion on people who live with their parents.
Sadly, this is Boomer culture. I honestly can't understand why most even had children.
Societal pressure is my guess.
Possibly. Growing up late Gen X/Early Millenial, I really did get the impression that lots of my friends' and classmates' parents actually despised them for existing.