ah yes. it was you Bibic who is not acting in good faith. shame on you for trying to educate GME investors.
at this point the mask is off. superstonk mods have cracked. it's not them that have done anything wrong ever. no, it's everyone else who is guilty of brigading and division and hostility.
at first it was: not allowed to tag users or link to posts in other subreddits.
then it was: not allowed to mention usernames or other subreddits at all.
then it was: not allowed to mention any other communities at all or instant permaban. curiously, you can still post twitter links?
now it's: no mention of the DRSGME.org website.
imagine that. in superstonk, the largest online community of GameStop investors, you are not even allowed to mention a majorly important website created by GameStop investors for the purpose of educating about DRS.
what is even the point of superstonk any more other than to serve the interests of the moderators there? they treat it like it's their own little kingdom and the community is their subjects. what a joke