Ι basically started with fire emblem heores. A couple of online friends, that I've met through another game, started playing it and talked about it and so I decided to try it as well. In the end I really liked it and became really intrigued in the series so I went ahead and played a couple of the older games in emulators. I am really looking forward to blazing blade coming in home as I have not played it yet. I would love to get them all in eventually.
Fire Emblem
A place on the Fediverse for your Fire Emblem needs.
Fire Emblem is a fantasy tactical RPG developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo.
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Like many, FE7 was my first. I think we saw it in a magazine or something and picked it up. I was instantly obsessed. It was fun to look back and see how my opinions and playstyle have changed from then to now.
I'm sure my playstyle has changed a lot. I wasn't that good in Fire Emblem at that time.
I never played Hector hard mode back then. To be fair, it was kind of a pain to unlock. I thought Marcus was the WORST, and I cleared the game with a 20/20 Dorcas
I don't know anymore what you have to do to unlock Hector hard mode. I almost never use the strong unit in a fire emblem at the start, here Markus. I think that makes it boring and Marcus isn't good anyways, he is no Seth.
Yep, Blazing Blade was my first as well, and one of them I actually haven't beaten yet. Almost got through one playthrough, pretty easily actually, but then walled by the dragon at the end because I spread the XP around too much and none of the lords were strong enough to take a hit from it. I learned my lesson from then on to build a core team instead and don't hide the lords from the enemies too much to prevent losing, you'll lose in the end anyway.
I still have carts of Blazing Blade and Sacred Stones from back in the day and I primarily play those games on those carts with my old DS Lite. I have copies of all the Western released games in the series except the Tellius games because I don't own a GameCube or Wii and the going prices for those games are ridonkulous anyway. Among those, the only ones I haven't at least tried yet are the Fates games. Currently working my way through Echoes and its very different gameplay compared to the rest of the series.
I have the carts as well, but my DS is not working anymore. It's just convinient to see a switch online release but i could emulate it as well.
Awakening was my first! Def not my favorite in the series, but man, it was the perfect game for young me. Was the game that got me into FE, and now I’m eternally attracted to Chrom! Was a win/win.
Same here- FE7 was my first as well. I think I played it about 5 times before finally moving on to a new entry in the series, so for a lot of my FE life, it was my favorite purely for nostalgia. I was obsessed for a while with getting my support compendium filled out, so I'd plan out my runs and who I was going to use based completely on who I wanted to support. I do not miss the days of limited supports.
These days I have a hard time deciding between PoR and 3H though. I lean more towards PoR, but it's a tough call.
My first FE was Shadow Dragon. Played the demo that was distributed through the Nintendo Channel and immediately begged for it for my birthday. I really enjoyed the game, but was never able to finish it. Being pretty fresh to SRPGs and not wanting to lose any units really bogged down that first playthrough and I never picked it back up. Of course I, being the genius I was, decided to play the other classic style FEs as soon as I learned about them and promptly gave them the same treatment. I would like to go back and beat them some time, but at this point they seem to be cursed to languish in the purgatory that is my gaming backlog.
My first Fire Emblem game was Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn. I was in my early teens and my family had dropped by Kmart on our way back from visiting my grandmother on my father's side. My dad told me to pick a game and the cover art just stood out to me. I had no idea what kind of game it was, but I like medieval-esque fantasy, so I gave it a shot.
I didn't open it until a buddy of mine stayed over and we almost exclusively played it from then on, taking turns each level or game over just seeing how far we could get. It took us months to get to the end, and then we'd play through it again.
From then on I was hooked on the series.