Tump's strategy is very simple: 1. Disenfranchise as many non-conservatives as possible. 2. Create a permanent majority – a one-party state.
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Lol. Cry about it.
Why would immigrants vote Dem? Whenever I talk to first generation immigrants they’re like me to the bone: they want to work hard and get agreed and they’ve been in dangerous places and don’t like the idea of being disallowed from carrying weapons.
Seems to me like the danger of immigrants voting Dem is very low. They’ve been through really rough shit. They’re not naive, idealistic children. Lots of them come from failed socialist utopias.
Seems to me like the danger of immigrants voting Dem is very low.
Lots of them come from failed socialist utopias.
You mean the countries that the U.S. toppled with coups?
You can't expect a country to succeed when a super power like the U.S. comes in and destroys everything. Put the blame where it really lies, with the likes of Henry Kissinger & company.