Okay, I might be a little biased here, since this is a b movie from my home country, but I think Dick Maas’ Amsterdamned is pretty awesome. It's basically a Dutch giallo. It's got suspense, fun characters, solid kills/FX and a kinetic AF speedboat chase..
B Movie Bonanza
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I, too, think that this movie is better than most of what is featured here. Solid entertainment with a lot of quirks. A document of its time and country.
Definitely entertaining! I really need to buy myself the German edition of Verfluchtes Amsterdam; German dubs are always fantastic.
kinetic AF speedboat chase
..which goes down the Singel, corners around Utrecht’s gracht, and in the next cut is back in Amsterdam. Watched it in the theatre and many of us were like “whaaat..?”
One of Maas’s best.
Yeah, so funny that part of that chase was actually filmed in Utrecht. Dat is de magie van films. ;)
One of Maas's best.
Let's hope that the recently announced sequel will be just as good.
Saw this on the last drive in with Joe Bob Briggs fairly recently. It's not too bad. The boat chase scene was shot really well.
Is there a way to watch this somewhere?
So, it appears that you are located in Germany? You can check this site to see if there are any DE streaming services that have Verfluchtes Amsterdam in their catalogue. Amazon sells an uncut German blu-ray as well. :)