but if you worship the gender Baals or other deities of the British State, you're free to put on lavish displays to your gods.
Someone wrote that and felt clever. How embarrassing lol
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but if you worship the gender Baals or other deities of the British State, you're free to put on lavish displays to your gods.
Someone wrote that and felt clever. How embarrassing lol
Well it's notthebee. That's true of all of their articles.
Same vibe as many of the other classics like "excuse me, you can't use this public BBQ", "feeding homeless people is illegal", "you can't jog here", "what do you think you're doing picking up litter?", "if you want your money back, you need to come and prove your innocence", "I saw that kid Jaywalking [on a suburban street]", and "you can't flip me off!"
Cops could be trained mind their own business unless there's actual harm at stake, but then it'd be a lot harder to have a Karen state.
Good, why should I have to listen to that shit on my streets?
The UK is about 20 years ahead in the decline of religion. My friend Iain has had two churches close their doors in the last 15 years. He's in his mid-fifties and has mentioned him and his wife are the youngest couple left attending their current church. They have to drive 30 minutes one-way to get to there now. Basically the indoctrination loop broke in the UK a very long time ago, and without teaching kids to believe in invisible nonsense from a very young age... boom, no more religion.
UK isn't like the USA - you can't annoy people with this nonsense in public. Why they'd bother writing an article about it, unsure.