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The original was posted on /r/datahoarder by /u/Ilegator on 2024-01-15 11:01:48+00:00.
Hi, I recently bought 5 used 3tb drives and I'm wondering if I should pool the in software raid5 configuration. I've always used my drives without raid and no backups, just frequently checking properly with crystaldiskinfo. I've always had time to backup everything when drives went bad (+10 years adding new drives to my setup and no file losses due to hardware)
Is it worth having 5 drives pooled and 1 parity drive?
Will I get better permance (read/write speeds) from them?
Is it risky doing it with old drives?
Should I use windows drive pool software to do this or something else?
How flexible is this configuration if I have to format my pc or I lose C: drive?
Does this configuration consume CPU/RAM usage?
Sorry for so many questions but I'm pretty lost because I've never done this.
Note I've a few other drives connected that are not 3tb.
Thanks in advance!
My setup is
1tb nvme, 1tb sata ssd, 8tb, 4tb, 2tb, 1.5tb hdd + x5 3tb hdd
Rtx 3070