Well I like that he defines nationalism so we can know what the heck he's talking about. The idea that different nations should have their own autonomy and sovereignty and ways of doing things sounds pretty reasonable to me. It's good that different nations have their own things going on. Sure.
Unfortunately, letting other nations do their own thing is not what conservatives have been doing. You don't have to cast your eye back very far into the history of america to see it. Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2, all conservative presidents whose foreign policies were definately not about respecting other nations doing their own thing. He did directly address Bush Sr. And his "new world order" speech and said "well, they called him conservative," and we are to understand that he wasn't really a conservative. But I don't see how his idea of "nationalism" goes along with conservative thinking in the context of American history.
It's interesting how he talks about a one world government as if it's this terrible threat that's about to happen at any moment. It used to be communism that was the big threat conservatives worried about, now it's the one world government. I don't feel too worried about that happening.
I didn't watch the whole thing, I got about 45 minutes, just to the point where a he's talking about neo-marxists and his idea of what they are about. He puts it in simple terms - they say there's always a powerful group exploiting the less powerful group. That happened throughout the history of the USA. Is there a time when that wasn't the case? It's still happening now. I plan to finish the vid, but I wanted to put down my thoughts before I got distracted with other things.