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The original was posted on /r/cryptocurrency by /u/pkelliher98 on 2024-01-13 17:41:14+00:00.
I put all of my money into Bitcoin recently because I stupidly felt the need to gamble it all away. My average cost is $46,636. I have heard a lot of people saying that we are basically at the peak of the bull market (which didn’t break the previous ATH) and will go down from here. I basically have 3 options currently:
1.) Take my money out and move on, making safer investment choices from here on out like buying and holding the S&P. Or maybe buying some Bitcoin again if it goes down low enough.
2.) Hodl the Bitcoin I have but don’t invest anything more into it (investing safer instead)
3.) Go full balls to the wall and DCA all of my extra money each week into it so I can get my average cost down in the event that Bitcoin eventually goes into another bull run and I at least can break even.