"Brigaded" meaning just hearing other opinions and not being a completely insular echo chamber like /r/conservative, lol.
A community to discuss conservative politics and views.
No racism or bigotry.
Be civil: disagreements happen, but that doesn't provide the right to personally insult others.
No spam posting.
Submission headline should match the article title (don't cherry-pick information from the title to fit your agenda).
Shitposts and memes are allowed until they prove to be a problem. They can and will be removed at moderator discretion.
No trolling.
This is a new community on a platform that has had a massive surge of users, so there are going to be growing pains for a bit. My goal as a mod is to allow for conversation on both liberal and conservative ideas, and I believe several other mods agree with me. We may become more strict if this does become a liberal community, though.
An important tool for the mod team too is you guys flagging/reporting posts and comments. I check in almost every day and have received no reports for over two weeks. As the community grows, this will become even more important since we can’t read every post or comment. I have read nearly every one though, lol.
Cogs in the great machine
Blessed is the Omnissiah
I don't get it. 40k reference?
It is. No clue what they're trying to say though.
brigaded, but voting has no functional purpose - aka if everything is bad, nothing is bad.
This is it, one of the downsides of a decentralized network like the fediverse here is that there is no current way to prevent brigading. It seems like this is mainly just one super MAGA dude ranting and a bunch of brigaders responding. I was going to give it some time and see if it mellowed out as it developed.
I don't think there is any "brigading" going on here.. Just to be clear what brigading actually is:
On reddit, there was a time when there were coordinated and organised efforts to "invade" another communities. For example, there were threads on 4Chan where users linked to subreddits or posts with the aim of having a bunch of users post similar stuff at the same time.
There was also brigading within reddit when one sub would make a post where they coordinate users to post specific comments in specific threads or post similar stuff in a specific subreddit.
As far as I can tell, that's not what is happening here.. There is no coordinated group effort here, it's just that the vast majority of users on lemmy are not conservatives.
I'm actively removing offending posts and banning trolls. Bear with us, moderation tools are lacking, but I promise we're working behind the scenes to keep discussion on topic.
Are Lemmy communities not able to moderate themselves?
Moderating can only go so far for brigading. Mass downvotes aren't something moderators have control over. There's also the risk of what reddit did where tons of subreddits proactively banned people simply for participating in other subreddits without ever posting in the banned subreddit.
The bottom line is that while reddit is super liberal, lemmy is openly hostile to anyone right of center and I don't see any realistic solution to this. Welcome to the growing pains of a 15+ year old system going down and starting over from scratch.
I guess on Reddit conservative communities just have the critical mass needed to overcome the downvotes?
I suppose there being enough subreddits to distract people to the communities they’re interested keeps them from trolling/brigading/etc the communities they’re not.
I guess on Reddit conservative communities just have the critical mass needed to overcome the downvotes?
The /r/conservative subreddit bans anybody who isn't conservaitve from commenting in the majority of important threads.
Does a ban stop someone from downvoting though? I didn’t think it did, but I’m not 100% sure.
A ban does, but at least with the comments its more of a lock out I think.
The solution to brigading is to move to an instance that doesn't federate with brigaders.
If you don't like the instance you're on, you're free to go somewhere else.
I mean, completely unfederated instances kinda defeat the point. I get along just fine with real liberals and have plenty of views that bridge both. Limiting participation to a single isolated instance is basically pointless, especially as an actual replacement for reddit. Brigading and hostility to anyone that isn't part of the circle jerk is just a disadvantage to the solution to admin/CEO-proofing lemmy as a whole.
I mean, completely unfederated instances kinda defeat the point.
All instances start fully federated, and slowly get defederated by the communities that choose to do so.
Brigading and hostility to anyone that isn’t part of the circle jerk is just a disadvantage to the solution to admin/CEO-proofing lemmy as a whole.
Like it or not brigading is what stops places from being echo chambers.
Either way I'm not looking for isolated echo chambers with virtually no variety of content. Defederated instances defeat the entire point. I can get along just fine with people who I don't agree with 100%, it would just be nice if others can do the same.
Like it or not brigading is what stops places from being echo chambers.
This is literally 100% false. Justify it however you want but your goal is to run anyone out that you disagree with so only your personal views are left. That isn't stopping it from being an echo chamber.
I think the problem is that much of the "conservative" side is, well, divorced from reality. If you want to find a place in the fediverse that will simply let that slide, it's not gonna happen. As long as you've got Trump leading the polls, his lackeys wasting time in the House on nonsense while ignoring criminals like Santos, other idiots banning books, a SCOTUS that's the most blatantly corrupt, well, ever, etc. etc. etc. you're going to have a bad time.
Its already a far left echo chamber.
You're more than welcome to stay here and make posts that criticize the left. But you can't have your cake and eat it too.
You can either deal with an instance that leans left, or you can deal with one that doesn't. It's up to you.