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Sainristil sneakily might be the best player on the Wolverines' squad
Gosh it feels so good to see Harbaugh back on the sideline. Love him or hate him, he makes cfb better (same for Kirk, btw)
Punting is winning
Oh man, I sooooo wanted that return to go all the way, but I will take 84 yards anyday!!
Iowa has overcome much adversity this season
Not really... I mean, besides injuries, the biggest real adversity was that a critical call didn't go their way against Minnesota (which wouldn't have been a problem if their offense weren't so... offensive)
Ah, being aggressive, love it! (Although not thrilled about the false start on 4th down - the loss of Zinter looms large)
I want Iowa for maximum chaos! Go Iowa, go Louisville!
Let's Go Blue!!