I have an old synology DS1513+
it runs Active Backup for business and Active backup for google workspace, as well as an AFP share for Apple machines. This is about 95% of all backups. Those backup archive files are then ALSO backed up to one of two large 14TB hdds. I swap them out monthly (or thereabout) and keep the spare at my office or in my firesafe when at home.
I have a couple other things out there too. A small SSh box to handle some scripting of config file backups etc. My main synology 1815+ also has a cloud sync up to backblaze that happens in realtime, but only keeps 1 copy of stuff as well as a hyperbackup job for super important stuff up to Backblaze, in addition to the nightly backups to the 1513+. This way if my house burns down I still have something (and likely a full copy with the 14TB HDD)