I've had a newborn photosession and the baby did not want to miss a thing! So unfortunately the eyes are open on almost all photos and it's not the vibe we were going for.
I prepurchased a session pack including retouching and deep photoshopping, and asked the photographer to edit babys eyes closed.
But photographer refuses and says it's not possible. I am happy with the other edits made, but disappointed with the eyes not being closed.
Do I have to accept the refusal or do you have some ideas on a tool that eases the proces?
I tried googling myself but I haven't used Photoshop since a random media class in middle school so Idk if it really is that complicated or not. A lot of new tools and AI has been invented since then.
Follow up question:
If I just accept the photos as they are, can you recommend an AI program to help me achieve what I'm going for without losing too much of the resolution?
I wanted to print some of the portraits so the quality needs to be preserved as much as possible.
Thank you.