this post was submitted on 10 Mar 2024
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I feel like you're demanding the take part of the give-and-take flow of constructive argumentation upfront. This serves mostly to misdirect from the issue rather event attempt to tackle it, and that's why it's not compelling to me
That's fair.
IMO online comments are an extremely poor medium for ambiguous comments because:
Due to these reasons, ambiguities should at least attempt to be cleared up with up front.
Sure you don't have to do that, but then you just get misunderstood, wasting everyone's time.
What you're suggesting applies far more easily in an IRL conversation. I can look for body language, like a smile indicating joking. Conversations take seconds instead of minutes, and there's far more back and forth
Agree again. In this instance the commenter was pretty clearly pro-abortion though. I think in terms of speculating on their potential position with limited info, that's also a vector where you could have at least a reasonable degree of certainty about which quadrant of the political compass they fall in.