this post was submitted on 10 Mar 2024
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Dumb ass dems have themselves a pretty sweet situation, they get to perpetually be shitbags, put up shit candidates, line their pockets with dirty war money. All because they only have to be slightly better than the shitbag on the other side of the isle. We Americans really are getting fucked. For a LONG TIME. We have been drug into a hole that will take us decades to get out of. And the dems are jut taking advantage of the lowered ethical standards.
They will still lose this election. And they will blame the people that didn't show up to vote for their shitbag candidate. Fuck them all, greedy fucks. Our children will suffer.
We suffer because of idiots like you and the right doing their best to drag us back to the dark ages. I hope one day you gain enough knowledge to realize how stupid what you just wrote is.
Actually, we suffer because idiots like you insist that democrats don't need to improve because the other guys are worse. How about a party that actually fights for us instead of the other way around?
What about my comment is incorrect? Do you actually like Biden and think he is the best person for the job? I am still going to vote for him in November. Because he is slightly less shitty than the other shitbag. I'm just pissed off about being forced to do so. I am pretty politically active and I always vote. There are a lot of people like me that won't take the time out of the day to stand in line and vote for Biden, and I don't blame them. However, there are a ton of morons that will do it for Trump. Trump is going to win. And it will be the dems fault. Just like 2016. Should be an easy election but they have to go as far to the right as possible and take advantage of the situation to get a controllable sock puppet in there, to the point that we have to worry that a bankrupt, corrupt criminal that is guilty of sedition the last time he lost an election is a candidate we actually have to worry about. This election should be a slam dunk. But here we are, and they know exactly what they are doing.
You make a lot of good points. It sucks to choose the lesser of two evils but at the end of the day it's still the best choice. I agree the Democrats could do better, and there is still no excuse for genocide, but no one will listen to your points until you get over the name calling and mud slinging.
We need ranked choice voting. It's the only thing that will end the tyranny of our two party system.
I really wish the dems would run more progressive candidates, but time has told them to run right-leaning centerists, both because that’s what gets votes from everyone who doesn’t want to be a theocracy/dictatorship (“vote blue no matter who”), and because that’s the best the conservatives have historically been willing to work with. (Plus their owners want that, let’s be real)
They haven’t realized the rules have changed and conservatives won’t work with anyone who isn’t them, and it’s going to be their downfall. We need to fight the maga crowd with progressive candidates, not democrats. But they need to run as democrats or they stand no chance. So basically we are fucked.
If the voters, in large, supported progressive ideas as strongly as you do, Democrats would be passing more progressive laws. The issue is, you are outnumbered by people who don't care as much as you. By people who have no interest in paying attention, much less participating. Those, like the person you were replying to, who are more willing to give up than to make change. The fight isn't being upset that Democrats aren't more progressive, many would be more progressive if it reflected what the voters want. The fight is energizing the voters about progressive ideas. And painting Democrats, who are immensely more progressive than conservatives, as the problem does nothing but destroy that energy.
That is very naive. Most places don’t have actual progressive candidates to even vote for, when they do come up they face amazing odds with smear campaigns..
To say nothing of the fact that what actual people want makes no difference. Popular support for thing going up doesn’t mean it’s more likely to be legally supported.. unless rich people want it.
It's depressing how many people are downvoting this. We can't even express frustration at the lack of representation in our government without centrists trying to shove us under the rug.