A place to discuss pro-conservative stuff
Be excellent to each other. Civility, No Racism, No Bigotry, No Slurs, No calls to violences, No namecalling, All that good stuff, follow's rules, follow the rules of your instance, etc.
We are a Pro-Conservative forum. Posts must have a clear pro-conservative, or anti left-wing bias. We are interested in promoting conservatism and discussing things that might get ignored elsewhere. All sources are acceptable, however reputable sources with a reputation for factual reporting are preferred.
Dissent is allowed in the comments, but try to be constructive; if you do not agree, then provide a reason which is backed up by references or a reasonable alternative interpretation of the provided facts. That means the left wing is welcome to state their opinions, but please keep it in good faith.
A polite request, not a rule, if you feel the need to report a comment, please don't reply to it.
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This place really needs a rule on quality news sources. Not that it would be enforced correctly like the rest of the rules.
Sure, I like it.
You also run into problems with news media that have a conservative bias; they trend significantly less factual than news media that have a liberal bias. For instance, despite being quite far to the left, Jacobin is very good at having factual information. Even Salon--which should not be mistaken for a reputable news source--does better than Newsmax or OAN. If you look for sources that have a left bias and rate "high" for factual reporting, you end up with a pretty large list; when you switch that to a right bias, you list is about 1/4 - 1/3 of the size.
It's worth noting that there are NO sites that have a left or right bias that are "very high" for factual reporting, there are five sources that are center-left that are very high (and no center-right sources), and all of the other "very high" sources are least biased or specifically pro-science. IMO, sources that rate below "mostly factual" shouldn't be used, since it's too much of a pain in the ass to track down their sources and verify their claims.
Agreed. But like I said, never going to happen because using shitty misinformation sources is critical to maintaining beliefs in conservative ideals.
Lmao at spamming a bunch of links to the fucking hacks at mediabias
Today's dismissive label of the day from momo is "fucking hacks", how fun!