this post was submitted on 15 Feb 2024
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I hope you never experience crippling depression where it takes all your mental energy just to get out of bed and shower, where, the thought of doing anything more is just too much.
Exercise is wonderful, and yes helps massively. But depression is a feedback loop. You know exercise (or going to therapy) will make you feel better, but depression stops you, so you start beating yourself up about how much of a worthless piece of shit stain person you are because yes, you're right it is, on you and you're making your depression worse you can't even fucking help yourself you lazy fucking cunt arse piece of shit fucker. And society thinks you're a lazy fat useless slob who is no good to anyone and what's the point of it anyway. What's the point of trying to help yourself when you'll just fuck it up anyway like you fuck up everything because you're a useless waste of oxygen.