this post was submitted on 04 Feb 2024
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Best resource: Site with links to resources for just about anything.

Trevor Project: crisis mental health services for LGBTQ people, lots of helpful information and resources:

The Gender Dysphoria Bible: useful info on various aspects of gender dysphoria:

StainedGlassWoman: Various useful essays on trans topics:

Trans resources:

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[USA] Keep track on trans legislation and news:

[GERMANY] Bundesverband Trans: Find medical trans resources:

[GERMANY] Trans DB: Insurance information (may be outdated):

[GERMANY] Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität: They have contact information for their advice centers and some general information for trans and intersex people. They also do activism:

*this is a work in progress, and these resources are courtesy of users like you! if you have a resource that helped you out in your trans journey, comment below in the pinned post and I'll add here to pass it on

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[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Legally, haven't started. Not super important to me, it's pretty far down the dysphoria tier list.

Physically, (I know you didn't ask but I care) I realized that body hair and balding were the main triggers for my dysphoria, so after talking to my wife about it, I got a prescription for finastride and a laser hair removal thingy. Using those the last week or so has been super gender affirming (and itchy).

Emotionally, this has been really hard on my wife. She doesn't perform gender, and the only connection she feels to her gender is her sex, so she feels that her womanhood is threatened by me fully coming out. If I am a woman because I feel like a woman, then what does that make her, when she doesn't have a specific attachment to her gender? The newest compromise is that I can be as fem as I want, but I'm still her husband, not her wife. I'm trying to tell her that if she wants to be a woman, even in a "don't let go of what I have" way, that's totally valid, but if she just drops the gender completely and goes they/them or xe/xer, that's also totally valid. We are going to make this work somehow.

Socially, my sister is throwing a little superb owl party this weekend, so most of my family (and no one else) will be at this party, so it's time to rip the 30 year old bandaid off and come out. Since I'm still in negotiations with the wife, it'll be phrased "struggling with gender dysphoria and being more fem helps so much" instead of a full "My name is Amber, please refer to me with she/her pronouns." I'm expecting a lot of acceptance and questions.

Spiritually (I know you didn't ask but I care) I found a verse that is very specifically trans affirming. No idea how I missed it every time I read Isaiah. ‭‭"For thus says the Lord: “To the eunuchs who keep My Sabbaths, And choose what pleases Me, And hold fast My covenant, Even to them I will give in My house And within My walls a place and a name Better than that of sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name That shall not be cut off." Isaiah‬ ‭56:4‭-‬5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬. I've been trying to find a way to reconcile my faith with my gender identity forever, so reframing eunuchs as trans people and then doing a study has brought me much peace. My wife is still struggling to reconcile being bi with her faith. She didn't have to worry about it as she could just marry a guy and ignore the bi, but she did the most bi thing possible and married a closeted transfem, so now she has to confront it. It's a process, we'll see where we end up.

Sorry this is long winded, but your question gave me the framework needed to actually put everything down into words, so thank you for that.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Amber, I'm glad you found a spot to put all your thoughts and feelings down. It always helps to articulate them.

Sounds like things are rocky with you and your wife right now. I hope y'all can work things out, but don't be afraid to move on if the need arises. You have to let yourself bloom into the woman you are, or you will starve yourself of blossoming.

I'm curious what an owl party is. I've never heard the term.

I'm from a very Christian culture and upbringing, despite renouncing the faith at the ripe old age of nine. I still go to church every Sunday to socialize. Even though the denomination I was raised in is one of the better ones in terms of acceptance (United Methodist), it still didn't spare me from religious trauma and internalized ideas that I'm still working though. Not saying it's Christianity by itself, but the flavor that's been used for fundementalist christofacism in the US has been a lot of deconstruct for me.

It's funny, I've met some of the worst people in the world who are Christians, and some of the sweetest, most genuine people who are Christians too. Don't let anyone twist your faith to where you lose sight of loving your neighbor. I'm glad you have found some answers in your faith. I wish you all the best in your journey. Listen to your heart.

If God does indeed exist, they created you to be fearfully and wonderfully made.

"For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude." Timothy 4:4

"Strength and dignity are her clothing, And she smiles at the future." Proverbs 21:35

"Let us therefore, as many as are perfect, have this attitude; and if in anything you have a different attitude, God will reveal that also to you." Phillipians 3:15

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

It's a Superb Owl Party. This Sunday at 6:30 PM Eastern time. Eating wings and cheering for the red team.

My wife and I are going to make it, I wasn't expecting to get to transition ever, so her being ok with me going all the way to femboy is a great start and huge strides in a new direction. We are talking through this like adults, we love each other, and we are determined to make this work.

Thanks for the affirmation, most people seem to think that LGBT and Christianity should be at war with each other, so being both is a whole different challenge.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

Gotcha. Hope ya get some tasty wings and KC wins.

Glad y'all are gonna make it. It takes longer for some than others to accept and embrace, but I'm sure it'll be worth the wait. You got this.

The Bible is a radical book, and yet it seems that the people in power like to use it to enforce the status quo. Not too long ago they were using cherry picked verses to justify segregation and slavery. Your personal relationship with God is far greater than that of a temporary political agenda.
