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The original was posted on /r/denmark by /u/SendStoreJader at 2024-02-01 07:58:12+00:00.

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[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (2 children)

TheBakedDane at 2024-02-01 10:11:21+00:00 ID: koeztak

Du kan da bare sende en kilde med et datasæt, der viser hvor mange muslimer der synes pædofili er okay. Det er åbenbart så nemt at finde.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (2 children)

AsheDigital at 2024-02-01 10:16:43+00:00 ID: kof0tp4

Jeg enig med dig i at de fleste muslimer er ignorante overfor det faktum at deres profet var en pædofil krigsherrer, heldigvis, men vi skal dog ikke lede længe efter klart evidens for tvangsgifte børn i Mellemøsten (please ik giv mig whataboutism her, magter det ikke)

Fra u/ohana_is_family

17 sahih Hadiths that say she was 9 at consummation and 4 of those say 18 when Muhammed died.

1- 7,9,18 = not Hisham kufa

2- 7,9,18 = not Hisham Medinah Yemen up to razzaq. 13508 Kufa before Hisham. 3- 6,9,18

4- 9,18 = not Hisham Kufa

5- 6,9

6- 7/6 ,9

7- 7,9

8 - 6,9

9- 9, 9y

10- 6,9

11- 6,9,9y

12- 6,9

13- 6,9,9y

14- 6,9,9y

15- 6,9

16- 6,9

17- 6,9

List of Muslim Scholars that argue Aisha was 9 at consummation.

Dar al-Ifta al Misriyyah (Egypt ) considered among the pioneering foundations for fatwa in the Islamic world.It has been the premier institute to represent Islam and the international flagship for Islamic legal research. “Why did Prophet Muhammad marry lady 'Aisha when she was only 9 years old?”

Saleh Al-Fawzan. Published works on Fiqh. Member of the Senior Scholar Council of KSA. Member of the Fatwa Committee. Well known fatwa on child-marriage “married Aisha, may God be pleased with her, when she was six years old. And he entered her while she was nine years old.”

Bin Baz. Grand Mufti KSA 1993-1999 “ ” “married Aisha when she was the girl of seven and consummated with her when she was the daughter of nine.”

Shia Rizvi “he married 'Ayishah bint Abu Bakr, who was then a six-year old child. She came to the Prophet's house some time after the migration to Medina.”

2008 Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America (amja) 2008 responds to article was published in Issue 0, page 21 in “The Seventh Day Newspaper” which was published 15/7/2008. (Asma, Tabari 610 pre-islam, fatima, Ibn Kathir early Muslim, Hijra Habasha, Hisham, Many hadiths and dols confirm, normal/culture/puberty, )

2012 lists the article in Dawn-newspaper 17/02/2012 Nilofar Ahmed Read more at claiming Aisha was not young and destroys it. (Hisham, Bikr, 4.6, lists other minor marriages, fatima, badr, kunyah,)urway amazing knowledge at 8, asma 10)

Firmly establishes Aisha’s age at Bukhari 6/9. “Qatar ministry of religious affairs. Fatwa Team: In this site, there is a committee of specialists that is responsible for preparing, checking and approving the Fatwa. This committee comprises a group of licentiate graduates from the Islamic University, Al-Imaam Muhammad Bin Sa’oud Islamic University in Saudi Arabia, and graduates who studied Islamic sciences from scholars at Mosques and other Islamic educational institues in Yemen and Mauritania. This special committee is headed by Dr. ‘Abdullaah Al-Faqeeh, specialist in Jurisprudence and Arabic language.” Responds to unnamed article that uses asma and engagement arguments. 2/12/2012

2015 16/01/2015 Refutes an article called “Young journalist corrects a thousand-year-old mistake of leading scholars” (Ibn Kathir early muslims, Asma ) also openly states that Aisha may have been prepubescent at consummation.

Yaqeen Institute (USA) 2018 addresses Hisham, Asma, Fatima, Uhud, Surah 54/Moon


  1. Though not a fatwa it concerns a named scholar from Al-Azhar who also wrote other articles. Badr & Uhud, Asma, tabari pre-islam, fatima, hisham, migration abysinia.
[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

Ohana_is_family at 2024-02-01 13:13:49+00:00 ID: kofhvck

I'm honoured.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

TheBakedDane at 2024-02-01 13:00:04+00:00 ID: kofg5ft

Det er alligevel vildt, at du kan give mig så mange kilder uden at nogle af dem er det jeg efterspørger..

Er det bevidst?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

AsheDigital at 2024-02-01 13:18:14+00:00 ID: kofifmq

Det du efterspørger findes ikke, så må man jo lede efter noget tilsvarende.

Hvad er bevidst?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

TheBakedDane at 2024-02-01 13:20:27+00:00 ID: kofiq15

Det du efterspørger findes ikke.

Så er det nok en god ide ikke at forsvare en person der påstår det.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

AsheDigital at 2024-02-01 13:29:47+00:00 ID: kofjy2i

Du hviste jo udmærket godt selv, at den statestik ikke fandtes, du elsker jo bare at bait folk.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Ohana_is_family at 2024-02-01 10:24:02+00:00 ID: kofht2v

Du kan da bare sende en kilde med et datasæt, der viser hvor mange muslimer der synes pædofili er okay. Det er åbenbart så nemt at finde.

SeekersGuidance. Shaykh] Abdurragmaan Khan

Marriage with a minor."Once the young girl is married, she may move in with her husband and partake in sexual intercourse, whether she reached the age of puberty or not, when the following conditions are met:"

“conjugal relations are dependent upon her ability to handle that. Scholars like Imam Malik, Imam al-Shafi`i and Abu Hanifah have clearly stated that no woman is to be made to have sex unless she can endure it, and women differ in this according to their natural range of differences; it is not determined by a specific age. Once a girl has reached maturity, as we have mentioned, she may continue in this marriage or reject it.

Clearly shows “made to have sex” is used when the girl is too young for consent and consummation can precede Option of Puberty.

“onset of puberty is a vague poorly demarcated happening, for there is a great deal of subjectivity there, and some women may have a late appearance of the secondary sexual characteristics that usher the beginning of puberty**. They should not be barred from marriage if their physique is that of one who can handle intercourse**. Having said that, it is ordinarily expected that a young woman will be physically mature for marriage after the onset of puberty, not before.”

“the jurists have said that it is permissible to contract marriage with a young girl. (See Raddul Muhtar p.170 v.4) It is also permissible to hand her over to her husband even though she has not matured yet. Consummating the marriage will only happen when she is physically able for it.”

Puberty / Adulthood in Islam: pregnancy is a sign of puberty.

Reliance of the traveller (shafi) K13.8 “Puberty applies to a person after the first wet dream, or upon becoming fifteen (O: lunar) years old, or when a girl has her first menstrual period or pregnancy.”

Hidaya 1791 “The puberty of a girl is established by menstruation, nocturnal emission, or pregnancy ; and if none of these have taken place, her puberty is established on the completion of her seventeenth year”

Malay, Shafi: “girls, they reached puberty when their menstruation starts…..Or when they are pregnant or when they experienced growth of pubic hair.”

Hanafi "Periods, Wet dream, She falls pregnant (Mukhtasarul Quduuri p.79)”

Hanbali: “a) Beginning the first menstrual period,....b) Becoming pregnant……Becoming fifteen (lunar) years old.”

“Puberty is accomplished by five things: three that men and women share, and two that are specific to women, namely menstruation and pregnancy ….or reaching the age of fifteen”

Maliki “by menstruation**, or by becoming pregnant (even if she was not known to have a menstrual cycle).** ….And if none of these signs appear, she is considered legally responsible once she reaches 18 lunar years.”

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

TheBakedDane at 2024-02-01 13:15:17+00:00 ID: kofi22p

Igen, en masse kilder der ikke svarer på det jeg efterspørger...

Gør du det med vilje?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Ohana_is_family at 2024-02-01 13:33:35+00:00 ID: kofkg95

Du kan da bare sende en kilde med et datasæt, der viser hvor mange muslimer der synes pædofili er okay. Det er åbenbart så nemt at finde.

Der er Muslimer, der er imod mindre ægteskab. Hvis du ser dokumentarer som , vil du også se læger, parlamentsmedlemmer, advokater, der er imod børnepasning. Men kendsgerningen er, at islam legaliserede det, og muslimer praktiserer det stadig.

Al-Azhar and the Egyptian Dar-al-Ifta al-Misriyyah: fatwa on child-marriage, Q65:4 and countries’ laws.

“The majority based their opinion – that a young woman may marry before she reaches the age of puberty [under the guardian’s supervision] – on the words of God the Almighty Who says: “And for such of your women as despair of menstruation, if ye doubt, their period (of waiting) shall be three months, along with those who have it not” [65: 4].

According to this verse, the idda [waiting period] for a premenstrual girl is three months. The waiting period naturally follows a divorce and there is no divorce without [there first being] marriage. According to one interpretation of the verse, it is permissible for individuals who have not reached maturity to marry legally, provided the conditions of marriage are met. In Islam, then, there is no set legal age for marriage. In these days, a minimum age limit is set by [secular] legal systems to protect the psychological and physical well-being of the couple. This allows both partners to carry the responsibilities of marriage.”

Western Islamic Scholars: Mashood Baderin: Professor at University of London: “The majority classical view, held by the Hanafī, Mālikī, Shāfi’ī, Hanbalī and Ithnā Asharī schools of Islamic jurisprudence is that marriage of minors is permissible and may be contracted by the father or guardian acting in the minor’s best interest. This is based on their interpretation of the three Qur’anic verses earlier cited. First, they argued that the statement “… and those who have not menstruated…” (wa al-lā’ī lam yahidna) in Q56:4 refers to minors who have not yet started menstruating. They inferred that prescription of waiting period (in case of divorce) for “those who have not menstruated” (which they interpret to mean minors who have not yet started menstruating), indirectly indicates permissibility of marriage of minors. ”

Masheed Baderin fortsætter derefter med at forklare, hvor langsomt flere og flere lande bruger mindretalsudtalelsen fra 4. kvartal til at forbyde mindre ægteskab. Men religionen forbyder ikke den.

Så der er muslimer, der offentligt promoverer det.

Daniel Haqiqatjou - "what the practice really is of marryyi...of an older man marrying, or or having sex with this 9 year old and or 10 year old pre-pubescent girl." Daniel H.

Niger. Muslim Shaikh promoting the idea that marrying at 8 or 9 is fine. At 2:05 in the video the team visit a fistula clinic clearly showing the girls are not safe.

“Sia Foday who was married off by her family at the age of nine and was quickly pregnant. Sia - small for her age - was only 10 when she tried to give birth and ended up incontinent.”

Nujood Ali from Yemen first her father, then herself.

Nadya from Iraq The nine-year-old child forced into marriage in Iraq

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

TheBakedDane at 2024-02-01 13:35:37+00:00 ID: kofkqat

Og jeg ønsker dem alt muligt dårligt, men det er stadig ikke evidens for, at et flertal af muslimer støtter pædofili..

Hvilket igen, er det eneste jeg efterspørger, hvis du ikke kan give mig data for, at det skulle være tilfældet, så tror jeg bare vi stopper den her.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

Ohana_is_family at 2024-02-01 13:46:27+00:00 ID: kofm71p

Og jeg ønsker dem alt muligt dårligt, men det er stadig ikke evidens for, at et flertal af muslimer støtter pædofili..

Hvilket igen, er det eneste jeg efterspørger, hvis du ikke kan give mig data for, at det skulle være tilfældet, så tror jeg bare vi stopper den her.

Jeg kan kun tydeligt oplyse, at islam legaliserede samleje med mindre hustruer (& slaver). Det "P" -ord, du bruger, er ikke klart defineret. Jeg tror ikke, at dine spørgsmål kan undersøges ret på grund af de følelsesmæssige aspekter af udtrykket. Så jeg foreslår, at vi ser på, hvad islam legaliserede, og hvad muslimer støtter.

radikal islam er ikke radikal, det er bare, islam norske muslimer. Viser tydeligt støtten til amputation som straf. Det nævner ikke specifikt mindre ægteskab, men der er ingen grund til, at det skal udelukkes.

På grund af mangel på nøjagtige data: Det bedste, du har, er flere tegn i en bred bølge af information.