'Unacceptable': Massive BC Ferries lineups to get to Vancouver Island for the long weekend
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... with no spare or recovery plan.
Keep in mind this is the real issue: BCFC's bad execution of a nonexistent business continuity plan.
For an essential service, a real one, this kind of plan is just as essential: how up-in-arms would we have been if BCTel only worked half the time over the long weekend? We'd have pitchforks and torches and a goal to misbehave.
Bad things happen: repairs go bad, boats get damaged, etc. How they prepare for it and respond to it - or, in this case, how BCFC doesn't - says a lot about adequacy and fitness for service.
Again, BCFC is Not making the grade. And when we can't do a good job as a user-fee service, what do we do? We bring it back into MoT.