A place to discuss pro-conservative stuff
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We are a Pro-Conservative forum. Posts must have a clear pro-conservative, or anti left-wing bias. We are interested in promoting conservatism and discussing things that might get ignored elsewhere. All sources are acceptable, however reputable sources with a reputation for factual reporting are preferred.
Dissent is allowed in the comments, but try to be constructive; if you do not agree, then provide a reason which is backed up by references or a reasonable alternative interpretation of the provided facts. That means the left wing is welcome to state their opinions, but please keep it in good faith.
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Idk why I keep commenting here but the community keeps popping up so here goes…
Sounds like a self report
On a real note, instead of seeing it as “name calling” maybe now is the opportunity to ask yourself instead, “why am I being called a nazi and a fascist?”
Because the majority of people on this platform are of one mind, whether it's admitted or not, and they feel like their cause is the only one, and anyone who disagrees with them is automatically a fascist, Nazi, or some other extremist.
Lately, (last few years) civil discourse has gone away, and we're left with screaming and shouting, tantrums, and bullying.
We literally cannot discuss issues without being called bigots, racists, Nazis, homophobes, etc. Even if you feel like the other person is IN FACT one of those things, maybe you could show them your side and see if they can understand it from your point of view. I've changed my mind on things before when presented with more information, and I'd be willing to bet that most normal conservative people are the same way. The problem is when you loop us all into the same boat, you don't give that person a chance, because you are clearly the only one that is right.
Read They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45.
Short non-Amazon excerpt.
Link to the pdf at
edit: found the actual pdf
That is a 370 page book. You can't possibly expect anyone to read it, and even if someone had, they might come away with a different intepretation.
What specific intepretation did you want us to come away with?
The other user was asking for help.
You want me to chew food for you, too?
Back in my day television was called 'books." Maybe you could find a YouTube personality to give you political theory.
Because people don't have an actual argument and just want to brand political opposition as evil that can be dismissed out of hand.
Or maybe, just maybe, doing fascists things gets called out as fascism. Crazy I know.
Because its an easy name to come up with, and most of lemmy is left wing. They get upset with someone, and Nazi is the first thing to come to mind. Doesn't matter if the leftist is the one calling for the genocide of 7 million jews, the leftist doesn't care.
Its similar to calling someone a bastard, you don't actually care if they were born out of wedlock, you're just want to call them names.
The way I see it is probably not the way you see it. However, when it comes to words like “bastard” can we agree that certain words (especially “swear” words or those with disparaging or negative meanings) are reused with various meanings based on the context?
“Bastard” is almost universally no longer used to describe a child born out of wedlock, and is instead used as a pejorative term.
The same is being done with “nazi” and “fascist”. They are being used as pejorative terms towards people who the users of the words feel are acting similarly to nazis or fascists. There may be some who literally mean “the holocaust”, but broadly, it’s referring to the actions and policies taken by the nazi party during that time. Likewise “fascist” is describing fascist-esque action and policy. Like Margot Robbie I’m sure you don’t control the railways or the flow of commerce. But if one espouses fascist ideology, I think the label is somewhat warranted.
Yeah, that would be a difference of opinion. The way I usually see them used is simply as a insult. There's actual people who want to commit another holocaust, but the word Nazi is almost never used to describe them. Hamas is a perfect example, topical even. But no one is calling them Nazis for reasons beyond me. Fascism is even more watered down.
I’d say that’s a hot take, but I forgot I’m in a conservative community
Yeah lmao. 100% red flag.
Don't wanna be called a Nazi? Don't act like one
[](Important context for this discussion)
Timeout, why is this thread popping up again? It was downvoted to hell and it's over a month old. How and why are you guys here?
Also, that link doesn't really add much context.
And you messed up the formatting. Link goes last, text goes first.
[Example]( becomes Example