Epic Games Store is offering developers 100% of revenue for six months of exclusivity
Rule #1: Be civil
Rule #2: No spam, memes, off-topic, or low-effort posts/comments
Rule #3: No advertisements
Rule #4: No streams, random gameplay videos, highlights, or shorts
Rule #5: No erotic games or porn
Rule #6: No facilitating piracy
Rule #7: No duplicates
Competition for dev's is fine, its the exclusivity deals that show them to be evil.
Offer devs a better cut of the profits, devs can sell the game for less on Epic and make the same money as steam... a real price war to reduce fees. The devs and customers would naturally follow.
But Epic has demonstrated they want to take advantage of their "customers"... so many reasonable people are like... Steam is the devil we know, a chill devil we can get a beer with, and eat some hot dogs on the weeknds with, The Lowbowski of devils.... were good.
Not inplying compition between devs is bad, its just if you go for devs and little for the consumer, it would make sense at a consumer standpoint, that's not competition.
The mistake a lot of Pro Epic defenders make is equivalating that all forms of competition is equally great for everyone, when it isn't.