this post was submitted on 27 Feb 2025
19 points (91.3% liked)


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*With ‘better’ I mean that an encrypted solution is adequate in these cases because the mails are on other servers, and the companies/servers depend on the jurisdiction where they are located. But by hosting a mail server at home, even unencrypted, we are 100% in control of our data.

PS: is there a self-hosting mail server solution that stores everything encrypted? I already self-host almost everything I use, but not email.

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[–] [email protected] 4 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

Self-hosting has other drawbacks. Your need to maintain your server, you need a steady internet connection and a steady power supply. These are things providers like Proton and Tuta deal with for you.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 hours ago

Proton even takes care of endorsing MAGA for you 👌 Some people call that a bargain and a feature. I call it a reason to switch.

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