this post was submitted on 11 Feb 2025
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First I'm hearing of ObscuraVPN at least, but it does seem to be a very new player in the market. However from reading through their website and Github. This service does look very promising! Though it is slightly more expensive than Mullvad.

Anyone had the chance to test their service yet? Does it seem interesting to you? Let's discuss.

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[–] [email protected] 9 points 14 hours ago

The USP here seems to be the traffic mangling used to disguise the connection. The client is open source, which is always good, but that means it's probably easier for a bad actor to analyse and break that USP.

Very limited payment options and macOS only currently. Feels like they've made a pretty webpage & rushed launch, instead of polishing the product/product availability first.

Unfortunate that the term 'Obscura' is dominated by the band in search results.

I will stick with stuffing an envelope with cash and posting it to mullvad, but this is definitely one to watch.